Thursday, February 14, 2013

Latest Shocker CPS Leaks Student Data to Union Political Worker

Over the past week and a half we have released emails detailing CPS' misuse of public resources; bullying tactics used against its employees to secure political action and contributions (Walk, Talk or PAY); attempts to conscript students into "volunteering" for the levy campaign; and these emails have shown that all of this has been orchestrated not by a few rogue employees, but by Superintendent Mary Ronan and the upper echelon of CPS administration.

Today's email is possibly the most damning to date.

Ms. Carolyn V.M. Pedapati, Ed.M, CPS' Social Studies Curriculum Manager and TAH Program Director, whose office just happens to be located in the "Superintendent's Office, Curriculum Dept." - which is our way of saying she ain't no lowly rogue employee - emails the Social Studies Department Chairs with info on the CPS voter registration drive.

Ms. Pedapati, Ed.M was also kind enough to include a spreadsheet of all the CPS students who turned 18 before election day. So far there doesn't seem to be anything untoward here.

But...what's this? who's the second person CC'd on the email? Why Tom Frank, at his UNION email address. Well why would the Social Studies Curriculum Manager and TAH Program Director be emailing a spreadsheet with confidential student information to the UNION email address of a teacher that CPS insists was on work release at the time, not doing any official CPS work?

Surely Tom Frank is a high school social studies teacher, so the spreadsheet was of his current students and he had some legitimate pedagogical reason to have that spreadsheet right? What's that? He's an elementary school music teacher? Huh?

Is it starting to become clearer? CPS bullies its employees into working for the levy; they campaign for the levy using school resources; including school newsletters to parents; attempt to conscript students into working for the levy, all at the behest of the CPS administration. So, what do you think Tom Frank did with that spreadsheet? Do you think he baked some birthday cakes? Or do you think he used that information to target voters for the school levy and other Union supported causes?

Every bit of this is (a) illegal under state law; (b) in direct violation of the 10 year old agreement CPS entered into with COAST; and (c) just plain sleazy.

By the way isn't there some sort of Federal Law about disseminating students' private information?

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