Amy Murray joins Chris Monzel, Leslie Ghiz, Charlie Winburn and George Zamary in promising not to raise taxes during the coming Council term.
As COAST reports here, City Council has dug itself a huge budgetary hole exceeding $40 million per year starting in 2010. Council member Bortz said Council's budgetary gimmicks last week are "a clear signal that Council fully intends to levy new fees and taxes to fill a projected $40M deficit "
However, to date Bortz has not signed the Pledge. COASTers are encouraged to e-mail him to demand he sign the Pledge.
COAST thanks Amy Murray for her leadership in taking the Pledge and her fellow Council candidates who have previously so committed.
COAST again asks its members to call or write the other seven Council members and the Mayor asking that they sign too (click name to email).
Name/email | Title | Telephone |
Mark Mallory | Mayor | (513) 352-3250 |
David Crowley | Vice Mayor | (513) 352-2453 |
Jeff Berding | Council Member | (513) 352-3283 |
Chris Bortz | Council Member | (513) 352-3255 |
Y. Laketa Cole | Council Member | (513) 352-3466 |
Greg Harris | Council Member | (513) 352-5303 |
Roxanne Qualls | Council Member | (513) 352-3604 |
Cecil Thomas | Council Member | (513) 352-3499 |
The text of the pledge is:
2009 Cincinnati Mayoral and Council Candidate
Taxpayer Protection PledgeI, Amy Murray, pledge to the taxpayers of the City of Cincinnati and all of the people of this City that I will oppose and vote against any and all efforts to increase taxes and create new fees during the 2010-2011 term of Cincinnati City Council. This includes without limitation, any increase in the City earnings tax or property tax, and the imposition of new fees such as a garbage collection fee.
/s/Amy Murray___________ June 24, 2009____________