WeDemandAVote.Com places issue in voters’ hands

The petitions, already pre-checked by the Hamilton County Board of Elections, require City Council to place the proposal before Cincinnati voters on the November ballot. The amendment to the Cincinnati City Charter will prevent expenditures on passenger rail for right of way acquisition or capital improvements.
The WeDemandAVote.Com coalition is a unique banding of the NAACP, COAST, the Green Party of Ohio, the Libertarian Party of Ohio and the Hamilton County Business Owners Association that was originally formed to fight the Super-Sized Jail Tax of Todd Portune and David Pepper in 2007. The Trolley proposal is the fourth proposal the coalition has placed before the voters in three years.
I could have gotten behind your Trolley proposal, but you made it too broad. It's not an anti-trolley amendment it's an anti-rail amendment. To call it anti-trolley is Deceptive. I agree that the Trolley proposal is ridiculous, but so is making every time rail comes up it will have to be voted on.