COASTers to collect signatures on April’s weekends

COAST will gather volunteers each Saturday during April to gather signatures on petitions to give voter input on City Council’s $200 million proposal build a trolley system running a 4-mile loop through three neighborhoods. COASTers will gather on Saturdays April 11, 18 and 25 at 10:00 AM at 2623 Erie Avenue and then spread out from there to collect signatures.
In response to City Council’s wasteful and inefficient trolley proposal, the WeDemandAVote.Com coalition, led by the NAACP, has launched a petition drive to force City Council to obtain voter approval before spending money on capital construction costs for such a system. The WeDemandAVote.Com coalition consists of the NAACP, COAST, the Green Party of Ohio and the Libertarian Party of Ohio. It first organized the petition drive against the super-sized jail tax, then organized the petition drive to give voters a choice on red light cameras, and also gave them the choice on proportional representation for City Council elections.
The trolley petition drive presently has only 2,000 of the needed 14,000 total signatures needed to place the issue on the November ballot. COAST has committed to gathering 1,000 signatures during the month of April.
Your help is needed. Contact COAST Chairman Jason Gloyd (240-4996 or for more details on the drive and how you can help. COASTers may also just show up at 2623 Erie and receive forms take instructions from there.
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