Sunday, December 25, 2011

COAST Top 10 best acts of 2011

On the topic of naughty and nice, COAST also wants to celebrate the nice deeds of voters and our elected officials in 2011.  Warm "presents" of thanks for their vision and leadership:

10)  Governnor Kasich's cutting $52 million in fund for the streetcar.  Great way to start the year.

9)  Senator Shannon Jones bold legislation to prevent all state funding for the Cincinnati Streetcar boondoggle.  The legislation passed the House and Senate and was signed into law by the Governor.

8)  Commissioner Chris Monzel for his resolution modifying the MSD budget to stop ratepayers from footing the bill for sewer relocaiton costs associated witht he Streetcar project.

7)  Cincinnati City Council for preserving the property tax rollback, at least for one more year.

6)  Cincinnati voters for outlawing a trash tax by the passage of this year's Issue 47.

5)  Judge Steve Martin for stopping Laure Quinlivan in her tracks from spending tax dollars for her re-election campaign.

4)  The Cincinnati Business Courier for their dogged coverage of the Streetcar boondoggle.

3)  Ohio voters for their passage of Issue 3, our State's resounding rejection of ObamaCare.

2)  The Ohio legislature's passage of an historic repeal of the Ohio Estate Tax, and the leadership of Dan Regenold, Ron Alban and Jack Boyle that made it happen.

And the number one "gift" of thanks goes to....

drum roll please.....

1)  The thousands of activists throughout Ohio who have participated in these and other battles for limited government, COASTers, Tea Partiers, 912ers, those from Americans for Prosperity, Americans for Tax Reform, Freedom Works and dozens of other groups that are stopping the hoards of "occupiers" in Congress, our statehouses, Court Houses and City Halls across the nation from further enslaving us to their big-government agenda.

Merry Christmas everyone!

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