Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Business Courier recognizes wisdom of Regenold. Capell

COASTers Dan Regenold and Jeff Capell fought a lonely fight against some of the richest and most powerful Cincnnatians during the "icon tax" battle earlier this year, ultimately putting forth a plan that gave significant new capital funding for Union Terminal, but not Music Hall.

Fortunately, Commissioners Chris Monzel and Greg Hartmann properly analyzed the plans and sided with the more fiscally responsible of them.  And the reaction from Cincinnati's "beautiful people," the rich, the famous, the powerful, was palpable.  They engaged in overt threats, name-calling, arm-twisting, recriminations and even intimidation.  In short, it was of the nastiest chapters in Cincinnati politics of recent.

But our COASTers held firm, as did the elected officials, Chris Monzel and Greg Hartmann.

And this week, it was announced that even without a new tax, donors and State tax credits have come to the rescue of Music Hall.  In short, Regenold and Capell were correct!

And here, Chris Wetterich of the Business Couier acknowledges that!

Merry Christmas Cincinnati and Hamilton County!

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