The United States Senate is poised to vote on an unprecedented $1 trillion dollar so-called “stimulus” bill. In fact, combined with the unprecedented levels of spending imposed during the waning days of the Bush administration, the spending plans have and will impose on this county a new command economy directed not by private entrepreneurs and free enterprise, but by the Presidency. The enormous levels of spending, combined with unprecedented control over these new dollars without even Congressional input, signal a dangerous new direction for our nation.
COAST needs you to contact your senators to express your firm opposition to this rapid socialization of the American economy. Our frequent partner for economic liberty, Americans for Prosperity, has set up a web site to expose some of the ridiculous spending items in the so-called federal stimulus bill.
http://www.nostimulus.com/ gives a lot of great information and it provides links to contact our Senators directly. It also has an on line petition which has received more than 23,000 signatures as of 9:00 AM yesterday morning. (25,700 as of noon)
1. Sign the petition! [Click Here] COAST also encourages people to visit the web site and forward the petition to everyone in their email list.
2. Call your Senators! COAST also asks our supporters to call both of our Ohio senators every day until the stimulus package is voted on. Call the local office and the Washington office each day and express your outrage at the pork, the debt, and the lack of stimulus.. If you can't get through, GREAT. That means a lot of people are calling and our message is getting through. Keep trying.
- Senator Sherrod Brown
Cincinnati: 513-684-1021
Washington: 202-224-2315 - Senator George Voinovich
Cincinnati: 513-684-3265
Washington: 202-224-3353
Wednesday, February 4th, 2009 at 8:00 pm EST.
Telephone: 1-877-229-8493
Dial Pin # 13896
You do know that George RINOvich will vote for this?