Today's e-mail of the day
in the scandal arising from the 2012 school levy campaign at CPS involves
targeted shakedowns of vendors to the school district. It's called
pay-to-play, quid-pro-quo. If it happened at Procter & Gamble,
Federated Department Stores, the Kroger Company, Cintas or Fifth Third
Bank, the executive would be hoisted on their petard, and referred for criminal
prosecution. Not at CPS, the obviously criminal conduct of shakedowns of
vendors for kickbacks simply are part of the way they do business.

Even as they attempt to avoid detection by using
personal email addresses and acknowledge that the reason they are doing this is
to evade the law and the COAST/CPS agreement, they are seemingly oblivious to
the damage they are doing and the criminal behavior in
which they are engaging (see
ORC Sections 9.03 and 3315.07 (C)(1)).
American politics - truly all of our society - is
premised on a shared sense of fairness and decency. Everyone - no matter their
politics or station in life - cringes at the thought of bribery and shakedowns,
we are all disgusted by the naked abuse of power and explicit and implicit
threats which come with bribery and shakedowns.
And yet, CPS and Union attorneys seek to have a
judge find that there is "nothing to see here." That "this is
really no big deal;" that it "happens all the time - we just
got caught," you can almost hear them saying it now.
We reject that way of thinking. It is a big deal!
It doesn't have to happen all the time! And if it does happen all the time,
then let's stop it!
Which brings us to today's email of the day. Jens
Sutmoller emails CPS Chief Operating Officer, Terry Elfers, to coordinate the
shakedown of CPS vendors.
Note he organizes the list of vendors by the
amount CPS spends with them. (Why possibly could
that be?)
Again we ask: What will get these people to stop
abusing public resources, to stop conscripting children into political
indentured servitude, to stop shaking down vendors and teachers for political
And again, the answer appears to be absolutely nothing. Nothing will stop them, they will continue their brazen, illegal, unethical behavior until the end of time. We are to merely take it.
Well, we hope it is clear to all that COAST won't
simply take it; we will continue the fight to stop these abuses and punish
those who violate the lofty principles of
fairness and decency by abusing public resources and engaging in transparently
unethical and illegal behavior.
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