Thursday, February 7, 2013

CPS Email of the Day #2

Today's installment of the CPS email of the day is particularly charming. What some might call a two-fer.

First, the South Avondale Elementary School's union rep is emailing the Principal about the political campaigning he has been organizing on school time using school resources. You'd think that would be enough to merit today's honor

But wait, there's more...For the twofer, the union rep tells the Principal they need to reschedule the Parent Teacher Conferences to accommodate the political campaigning he'd been organizing on school time using school resources. Because we can't let a little thing like parental involvement in education get in the way of political campaigning!

In keeping with the email being a two-fer, we'll make today's honor a two-fer. Congratulations Jared Ceasar and Yzvetta Macon, you have crafted today's COAST Email of the Day!

We're rooting for you for the upcoming Rotten Apple Award.

  Email of the Day #2 by COAST  

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