Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Today's the day for Parking vote -- accountability is coming

As you watch the vote in Cincinnati Council this afternoon, watch for two things:

First, after four months of vacillating, posturing, and riding the fence, Council member Chris Seelbach has to cast his vote and declare his loyalties with his vote today on the plan.  He is under tremendous pressure from both sides as neighborhood leaders from Oakley, Mt. Lookout, Hyde Park, Kennedy Heights, Mt. Adams, and Clifton have vociferously weighed in against the plan.  On the other hand, his democrat sponsors on Council have called in their chits.

We will see.

On another front, City Solicitor John Curp has pulled a fast one on his own client, the City Council and refused to adhere to the Charter requirement separating out spending from the plan, at the request of Council member Smitherman.  The point of this sleazy tactic by the lawyer against his own client is desperately to avoid a referendum on the issue.

This is because the Mayor, the administration and the Council are desperately trying to avoid a referendum -- a public vote on the issue.

And they should fear this vote, as the public will resoundingly reject the abjectly disastrous plan.

A law suit is being prepared, and a referendum petition is being planned.

City Council will soon be held accountable to the voters.

1 comment:

  1. "The point of this sleazy tactic by the lawyer against his own client is desperately to avoid a referendum on the issue."

    No, it's because what Smitherclown is asking for is ILLEGAL.


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