Saturday, March 9, 2013

Parking plan referendum petitions now available

Now that the legal wrangling has wrapped up for the week, thanks to Judge Bob Winkler, the people of Cincinnati have been placed in control of their own destiny.  The outcome of the of the well-publicized lawsuit (so far) is that the right of referendum in the people of Cincinnati is preserved.

But that means the people must now seize that opportunity -- and  collect 7,500 good signatures in 25 days or less to secure a position on the November ballot.

Leading the petition drive will be Council member Christopher Smitherman, the Cincinnati NAACP and Price Hill activist Peter Witte.  (Witte was one of the Plaintiffs in the lawsuit before Judge Bob Winkler that has allowed this petition drive to proceed.)

For petitions,
  • Call Michelle Edwards at 659-0487 or pick them up at the NAACP offices at 4439 Reading Road.
  • Call Pete Witte at 513-376-0673 or pick them up at his business, Baron Engraving, 4131 Glenway Ave, Cincinnati, Ohio 45205.  
If your business wants to help distribute petitions or be a signature collection point, let us know (Treasurer@goCOAST.Org) and we will get you a supply of materials and announce the same here on the COAST blog. 

Time is of the essence.  We need these signatures in hand quickly.  Thank you for your help.


  1. Which Hamilton County voters are eligible to sign this petition?

    1. Petitions may be signed by Cincinnati voters only


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