Sunday, February 21, 2010

Dr. Brad Wenstrup joins COAST for March 1 event featuring Congressman Rob Portman

We need you there, too

Dr. Brad
Dr. Brad Wenstrup

Dr. Brad Wenstrup, who energized fiscal conservatives in Cincinnnati with his dynamic 2009 run for Mayor, will appear at the March 1, 2010 COAST fundraiser with Congressman Rob Portman. 

The event is 7 PM at the Glendale Lyceum, 865 Congress Avenue in Glendale.  Tickets are $75 per person and $125 per couple.

Wenstrup, a decorated Iraqi war veteran, and Cincinnati podiatrist, is a hero to Cincinnati and Hamilton County voters.  He sacrificed a year of his life to bring hope to Cincinnatians oppressed by the big-government, big-spending policies of Cincinnati City Hall. COASTers earnestly hope this run is not his last.

Our Host Committee for this event is:
William and Joann Brayshaw
Joseph Brinck
Piotr Chomczymski
Mary Ann Christie
Robert Coletti
Christopher P. Finney
Jason Gloyd
Joel and Kimberly Grant
Senator Shannon Jones
Curt C. Hartman
Greg Hartman
Theodore and Peggy Hubbard
Robert Kohlhepp
Del and Dorette Landis
Tony Maas
E. Paul Naberhaus
Quentin Nesbitt
Dan and Kellie Peters
John Rabenold
Daniel P. Regenold
Michelle Schneider
Ron and Roseann Siderits
Alex Traintafilou
Don Vonderhaar
Tom Weidman
Dr. Brad Wenstrup
Mike Wilson

Please plan on joining COAST for this important and only major fundraiser of 2010. You may click below to buy tickets through our secure site.
Buy Tickets Here
You may also call COAST Chairman Jason Gloyd at (513) 240-4996 or e-mail him for more information.

The goals and objectives of COAST are neither endorsed or rejected by The Glendale Lyceum.
2010-02-26 Updated Host Committee members.


  1. Caleb Faux, Tim Burke's slaveFebruary 22, 2010 at 12:35 AM

    Can I borrow some of the money to help pay all my Court-ordered judgments?

  2. Can I borrow some of the money to help fund the all-white young urban professional trolley? My here President Obama wouldn't give us any.

    PS - are Kentucky residents like me allowed to attend?

  3. yeah, Cincinnatians were so "oppressed" that they didn't vote for Wenstrup.
    8 years of tax cuts and a disastrous economy, hmmmm....
    I guess you have to pay for stuff rather than just put it on credit card. Oh well, now that no one has a job, I am sure they will appreciate those tax cuts....

  4. It doesn't matter what you do. We're going to elect Leslie Ghiz County Commissioner to maintain our tax-and-spend majority. Then you'll really see some tax increases!

  5. Coast, which was formed in 1999, was responsible for a mess created in 1996 by tax-and-spend Republicans and tax-and-spend Democrats?

  6. Yeah, COAST is responsible for the declining sales tax revenues and for politicians from both parties spending money out of the stadium fund that is not there. Riiiiiight.

  7. Whatever Chris Finney wrote in 1995, COAST was not formed until 1999. Fact.

  8. Charlie, COAST acknowledges that CUATS was their predecessor and both groups share the same leadership.


    Where it's quoted:
    .Still, Brinkman and both COAST, and a predecessor organization called "Cincinnatians United Against Taxes and Spending" (CUTS), had remarkably won several of the one-sided battles.

    I'm just telling you what COAST has told us.

  9. CAAST -
    Will you be posting here, or anywhere else, condemning David Pepper and Todd Portune for spending money from a stadium fund that they knew was insolvent? Nope, and thus you have no credibility as anything other than a partisan hack.

  10. The folks at COAST are every bit as much partisan hacks as the folks at CAAST. Both groups are ridiculously obnoxious. However, I think CAAST is more of an intentional satire, where as COAST is an unfortunate reality, not an intentional joke.

  11. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  12. Dem Party Executive DirectorFebruary 26, 2010 at 11:55 AM

    I long for the day I can pay off all my Court-ordered judgments.

    Caleb Faux


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