Parsons Brinckerhoff is the preferred City vendor
for money-wasting projects
for money-wasting projects
Ignoring public opinion, its own budget crisis and the pending vote on the fate of the Trolley, the City recently announced the hiring of the project team for the $185 million trolley system.
COAST finds it more than an item of curiosity that the project team is led by the Engineering firm of Parsons Brinckerhoff, and its local executive Fred Craig. While researching the epic failure of the Riverfront Transit Center investment, COAST learned that that debacle was planned and implemented by none other than Parson Brinckerhoff and local executive Fred Craig.
Parsons Brinckerhoff financed and helped to run the 2002 campaign for a ½ cent sales tax increase for a light rail system running from downtown to Mason, and this year is helping to finance and run the campaign against the Trolley petition before it even rises to ballot position.
You are still continuing to lie.
ReplyDeleteRegarding the light rail system comment:
1) The half-cent sales tax system proposal was not a line from Mason to Downtown. It was a rail network composed of numerous lines that would have served all of Cincinnati, as well as Northern Kentucky, and surrounding suburbs in Ohio. The half-cent sales tax increase was to fund the portion to be built in Hamilton County.
2) Funny how you neglect to mention that it took a last minute TV commercial run by your surrogate, ALRT, which lied to the public (and was found guilty) about a non-existant F grade from the FTA.
Additionally, the only criticism that I've seen regarding the Transit Center is that it hasn't been used. It seems to have been implemented and built very well by Parsons Brinckerhoff. The problem is that our existing transit infrastructure doesn't make use of it. That is hardly something for which PB can be blamed.
Very good points for Coleman, and the worst part is that if COAST's charter passes...it may never be used in any capacity: http://queencitydiscovery.blogspot.com/2009/05/cincinnatis-other-abandoned-subway.html