Saturday, September 27, 2014

FitzGerald, Neuhardt hop aboard crazy train

We have been so pre-occupied in following the foibles of Ed FitzGerald that we have missed the opportunity to analyze his crazy, liberal Cleveland Democrat positions in the race for Governor.  And that's unfortunate in that he is indeed just another crazy liberal Democrat from Cleveland.  For those of us from Cincinnati, Cleveland Democrats are a whole new level of crazy.

Before John Kasich took office, Ted Strickland, a crazy liberal from eastern Ohio agreed to accept $400 million in Federal funding for a very sloooow-speed passenger rail connection from Cincinnati, through Dayton, then Columbus and then Cleveland.  One of John Kasich's first acts as Governor was to kill that foolish project.

Last week, FitzGerald and his running mate Sharen Neuhardt announced that they, in contrast to the prudent Kasich, would have accepted the Feds' $400 million "gift" and committed Ohio to running the passenger rail for 20+ years, regardless of the cost to the taxpayers.

Any thinking man or woman at that time would have realized that the proposal was a silly waste of huge tax dollars.  For starters, there was absolutely nothing high-speed about the connection.  The trip from Cincinnati to Cleveland was projected to average 39 mph.  Then, the cost per trip was going to be prohibitive.  And, of course, cost overruns would have made the $400 million seem like a mere downpayment on the system.

Let's remind ourselves why we rejected Strickland and Obama's foolish sloooow-speed rail proposal for Ohio, here.  Now, this is yet another reason not to support FitzGerald.

Of course, FitzGerald could still keep his trainer's driver's license to get around the state if we had this system...

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