Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Fundraiser to Stop the Streetcar

Please join us to put the brakes on the Trolley Boondoggle

Please join us in the campaign to STOP THE CINCINNATI STREETCAR. This issue no longer just impacts the City of Cincinnati. Mayor Mallory is in talks with the utility companies to convince them to pass on the cost of streetcar construction to rate-payers throughout the County. That means that all Hamilton County residents will be paying more for water, gas, electric, sewer, and phone service to pay for the Mallory/Qualls/Quinliven/Thomas/Young pet project.

You can help stop this egregious abuse of taxpayer funds. Please join us on Monday, October 3rd from 6:00 pm - 8:30 pm at Mecklenburg Gardens (302 East University Avenue) for a fundraiser, the proceeds of which will go to stop this horrendous waste. We're keeping the cost low, a mere $20, so that more people will be able to attend and get involved in putting the brakes on this boondoggle. Think of it as not only an investment in good government, but also a strong blow in the fight against increases in your utility bills.

Please  R.S.V.P. to Charlie Norman by email at stopthestreetcar@gmail.com.
We hope to see you on the 3rd!!!

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